
Mind-body Coaching

for recovery from chronic illness, chronic pain and other medically unexplained symptoms

I coach individuals to recover from chronic pain, fatigue and other medically unexplained symptoms using proven mind-body approaches based in science (and a little soul, or spirit). 

My approach is gentle, individualized, compassionate, and adaptable. I combine a variety of methods, skills, and experience to meet you where you are. 

I think we could be a good fit if you:

  • Have had pain or other symptoms interfere with your life for at least 6 months;

  • Have already gone the traditional medical and/or alternative or functional medicine routes;

  • Consider yourself a little (or a lot) sensitive;

  • Identify as conscientious, a people-pleaser, prone to worry, or a perfectionist;

  • Are open to the idea of your physical body being affected by your brain, nervous system, and emotions;

Our sessions will include a combination of conversation and guided real-time mind-body healing practices.

The Process:

Everyone is unique and in a different place on your healing journey. I aim to meet you where you are, so we build the process together, as we go, but it will likely include the following phases (which are not expected to be linear):

  • Phase 1: Getting to know each other and building trust; making mind-body connections in your own story and life; setting goals for how you want to feel. 

  • Phase 2: Finding ways of feeling good, building comfort and safety in our bodies, individualized education about mind-body connection, brain retraining, etc.  Guided somatic mindfulness practices (live in session, and one recorded specifically for YOU after 2-3 sessions).

  • Phase 3: Going a bit deeper into befriending our different parts of ourselves and/or our emotions. 

  • Phase 4: Integrating all this self-love, inner change and growth into our daily lives. Celebrating winds, adjusting goals. 

Methods / influences:

  • Brain retraining / neuroplasticity

  • Somatic tracking and awareness

  • Mindfulness

  • Nature and Forest Therapy 

  • Somatic parts work / Befriending our personality traits and emotions

  • Holistic life coaching 

My training, degrees, certifications (Iā€™m not a licensed therapist):

  • Holistic Life Coaching (in progress, expected in 2024, from Mind Body Food Institute)

  • Pain Reprocessing Therapy (2024 from Pain Reprocessing Therapy Center)

  • Somatic Attachment Therapy (2023 from Embody Lab)

  • Nature and Forest Therapy Guide (2022 from Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs)

  • BA in Environmental Studies with a Concentration in Sociology and Anthropology (2022 from Denison University)

Timeline/ packages:

Everyone is different, and I like to work with you in a way that suits you. I recommend a minimum of 6 to 12 sessions to start, scheduled approximately weekly, but feel free to schedule in a way that works for you (e.g. twice a week or every 10 days). 

2024 Prices:

20-minute Exploratory Conversation: FREE

1-off or first time session, 90-minutes: $110

Follow-up 60-min session: $90

6-session package: $500

12-session package: $900